We took an “intermission” for a few weeks, but do you remember what we were talking about before the break? We’re in the midst of a series on how to lead with significance. At the end of our life, we want to be able to look back and say “I made a difference in the lives of the people around me.”
If you missed any of our previous sessions, you can start catching up at the links in the Resources section below.
Today we’re discussing one of my biggest soapbox issues in society. This issue involves politicians, celebrities, and social media.
Game Plan
Here is a question to ask yourself. Be honest. Where do you need to make some changes?
- How do you respond to people who you don’t agree with?
Remember: Don’t create another person’s story; get to know their story.
If you’re interested in learning more about our new one-on-one leadership intensive, Leading With Significance, where we talk about this quality and go into greater depth in your leadership development, use our Contact Us form to let me know and we’ll be in touch.
Tweetable Lesson
How to Lead with Significance: Vision
How to Lead with Significance: Accountability
How to Lead with Significance: Integrity
How to Lead with Significance: Self-Awareness
How to Lead with Significance: Humility
How to Lead with Significance: Compassion