We are currently in a series about the most inappropriate word I use on a regular basis. By now, you may know that word is busy. If you’re just joining us, I’m including links back to the first two sessions in the Resources section below.
Today, I’m sharing about the final danger in the word “busy.”
Session Recap
- Busy makes you think you’re in control. But busy is really in control. It becomes your master. How?
- Busy is never satisfied. Enough is never enough.
- Busy cares more about activity than priority. Busy hurts my leadership and influence by sacrificing what matters most…people and relationships.
- Activity does not lead to significance and influence.
- If you try to accomplish everything, you’ll end up accomplishing nothing.
Game Plan
Today, the game plan is to set up a comparison. Here’s how:
- First, think about your highest priorities.
- Next, record your schedule for two weeks.
After two weeks is up, compare your schedule with your list of priorities. How do they line up? Do they match, or do you need to make some changes so they are in alignment?
How do you think being busy hurts our leadership and influence? Share your thoughts in the comments, and let’s encourage each other to think through this a little deeper.
Tweetable Lesson
The Most Inappropriate Word I Use on a Regular Basis (Part 1)
The Most Inappropriate Word I Use on a Regular Basis (Part 2)