We are a few weeks into the new year. How are those goals and resolutions coming?Research has shown that most people start abandoning their goals by the third week of January. The top two reasons why: a lack of motivation and being too busy.
I understand this struggle. Then last year, I decided to change my approach to goal setting. And guess what? My consistency went through the roof! For example: when it comes to reading, I went from reading 13 books in 2018 to 25 books in 2019.
Over the next few sessions, I want to help you increase your consistency in accomplishing your goals by sharing some the tips that I have learned along the way when it comes of goal-making.
Game Plan
If you want to create goals that you will actually accomplish, do these two things:
- Start putting your goals in the 8 priorities
- Put quarterly time limits on them
I think you’ll be surprised at what a difference it makes!
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