What is one leadership skill that you feel is very underrated? Be thinking about that…we’ll come back to it in a moment, because I’d love to hear what you think.
In this leadership training session, I share my thoughts on one of the most underrated leadership skills. One that is often overlooked, but incredibly powerful when developed and utilized. And I learned more about it by reading Bob Tiede’s newest book, “Now That’s a Great Question”
Session Recap
- Are you a benevolent dictator? Are you likable and kind, but making things all about you?
- Great leaders ask questions. This helps your team think for themselves instead of relying on your opinion all the time. And that produces great results in the long run.
- A few favorite quotes:
- “Bob’s 4 most favorite questions: What do you think? What else? What else? What else?”
- “Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable.” -David Augsburger
- “Telling creates resistance. Asking creates relationships.” -Andrew Sobel
- Great leaders build influence through relationships.
What is one leadership skill that you feel is very underrated? Share your thoughts in the comments below, or join the conversation on social media. You can find us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook & Instagram.