Cultivating Diversity Through Building Trust

by | May 10, 2021 | Leadership

Great teams are diverse teams. And by diversity I mean different strengths, personalities, genders, ethnicities, and socio-economic statuses.

The question comes in, how do we create this? Where do we start?

Gino Wickman, in his book Traction, gives us a good starting point. He says, “Trust creates an open culture in which everyone feels comfortable talking about issues as they arise.” 

You can’t have diversity without trust. 

In this Your Leadership Coach post, I share how to cultivate diversity by building trust through creating a S.A.F.E. Environment.


Game Plan

  • Which of these 4 areas do you (or your team) need to work on:
    • Seeing and treating people like people, not numbers
    • Authenticity and practicing transparent communication 
    • Following through and seeking to understand before sharing your opinion
    • Encouraging and cultivating trust by celebrating diversity and recognizing progress


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